- The pulpy white inner cavity of the bell pepper (usually cut off and discarded) is a rich source of flavonoids and can be eaten. Discarding or keeping this section though entirely depends on an individual’s preference.
- Bell peppers can be eaten at any stage of development. However, recent research has shown that the vitamin C and carotenoid content of bell peppers tends to increase while the pepper is reaching its optimal ripeness. Bell peppers are also typically more flavorful when optimally ripe.
- The green bell peppers you purchase in the food market may actually be immature, non-ripe versions of these other color varieties. Not all bell peppers start off green, however, nor do green bell peppers always mature into other basic colors.
- Freshness is key when cooking and eating bell peppers. Storage for up to a week in the refrigerator is recommended. However the green belly pepper is known to last a little longer.
- Bell peppers are not seasonal fruits, meaning that their availability all around the year is granted.
- Green peppers are less sweet and slightly bitterer than yellow or orange peppers, with red bell peppers being the sweetest and have more vitamins and nutrients and contain the antioxidant lycopene.
- The taste of ripe peppers varies with growing conditions and post-harvest storage treatment; the sweetest are fruit allowed to ripen fully on the plant in full sunshine, while fruit harvested green and after-ripened in storage are less sweet.
- Bell pepper is an excellent source of vitamin C at 117 milligrams per cup. (That's more than twice the amount of vitamin C found in a typical orange.) Simple math one green bell pepper is equal to two oranges.Spare the cost of two oranges; get a single bell pepper.
- Traditional Chinise Medicine(TCM) uses bell peppers as a natural treatment for certain medical conditions relating to digestive issues and blood circulation such as indigestion, loss of appetite swellingfrostbite(Injury or destruction of skin and underlying tissue) and stagnation
- It also important to note that bell peppers are used worldwide as vegetables instead of spices; contrary to what is commonly known.
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